There are certain people who do what they love. I am one of them.
In my childhood I fell in love with photography. I had a small film camera, which I used to photograph everything around me. Later my parents bought a digital camera that was able to record video. In that moment I discovered the pleasure of shooting “24 frames per second”.
I graduated NATFA (National Academi of Theatre and Film Arts) majoring in Film and TV Cinematography.
During my studies and the following years I was shooting different small ads, videos, and student films. I worked also as 2nd assistant cinematographer in TV, ads and film productions.
In 2014 I graduated with the film “Enemies”, which won several awards (JAMESON Special Mention at Sofia Film Fest 2015, Best Bulgarian Short at the International Early Bird Festival, Special Mention at the International Festival Beyond Borders – Thessaloniki 2015, and others).
After that I continued shooting different projects, which widened my horizons and gave me valuable experience. My debut feature film is Shibil (2020) – an adaptation of the short story by Yordan Yovkov, which won 14 cinematography awards.
Every single project has its own separate unique challenges.

When I get familiar with the story I think how to tell each one visually in its own unique way.
In preparing, I enjoy the collaboration, trying to figure out the characters, and how to capture them. I am curious to learn what makes every scene work, and how to build the overall narrative. Long discussions and brainstorming with the director and the creative team are essential to me.
If you want us to work together, contact me.